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- Andrew Gordon - 14/10/20


Companies - Pixar  (Worked with Warner Bros at the start, then Pixar and Illuminations Minions 2)



Characters animated : - Monsters Inc - Mike Wazowski

                                - Toy Story 2 - Allen and Prospector 

                                - Finding Nemo - Gill 

                                - Incredibles - Edna Mode 

                                - Ratatouille - Linguini  

Studios - Feedback - Dailies -


- Show work - Candid feedback from Art Director 

- Listen carefully and take notes to improve on ad not make the same mistakes again 

- Ask questions on how to improve and make those changes based on the feedback given. - shows your are listening and taken the feedback seriously - professional approach to the situation 

- What is the feedback saying ? Think of solutions - problem solving  


- " Spirit of the note "




- Story structure -


1- Exposition 


2 - Inciting audience - something happens character has to do something now.


3- Character goes through situation - character changes / adapts - sees world in new light from start 


4- Obstacles - depending on choices made 


5- Progressive complications 


6- Crisis / Climax - trust characters / let go / shows changes


- Q&A- Showreels - Mentor - Industry -


Industies views of showreel and what is needed for the animation industry.


- Animation mentor

- Story telling

- Art , Literature , Film making

- Learn multiple things it will be beneficial in the late future

- Connect to industry - Indeed

- Joint forums and conferences




- You will have to be able to adapt to changes in productions as usually towards the end of production the plot , characters or even Directors would change.


- In Pixar multiple people will work on the same character during a scene, whoever creates the most suitable animation through the ideals of the Director scene will be chosen for screen.


- " Risk is good, take a chance "


- " Story is key" 


- Look at images and try to find the hidden message through facial expressions, posing, arrangement of setting or people and lighting. What is the story ?


-  Work flow for preparing for animation -


- Story 

- Appeal 

- Research 

- Collab 

- Is it believable ? 

- Iterations - How many time do you make changes - why?

- Character - situation / tale / journey / going through changes 

- Premise - theme - message

- Good plot 

- Intrigues the audience - make them want to know more 

- Good imagery - emotions - colours 

- Set up 



Controlling idea - 


- Logline 

- Character - What do they overcome?

- Hint of the world 

- Conflict 


- Whose the main character? - 

- What happened? Where? 

- Personality 


- Prologue - Colours - One specific colour appears with one character

- Emotions - audience can relate to character - memories - regret - moment

Office - 


- Cosy - comfortable to work in 

- Figures - inspiration 

-Storyboard on display - post it notes - colour 

- Creative - make it your own 


- " The fun should be coming out of the screen" 

- Tom Box - 24/11/20


Company - Bluezoo

- Andrew Gordon - Tom Box - Piers Clifton -

- 20 ways to present and interviews -

- Comfort zone - Say yes even when you're scared - gives you experience and helps you cope with the fear 

- Practice - Rehearse multiple times, record yourself to see how you are doing and to see if you go over the time limit or have alot more space to                       add more.

             - Create notes to read off and then try without 

             - Film yourself 

             - Make it into a story - narrative 

             - Research to be prepared and think of questions to ask 

             - Make it personal and interesting for the viewer / listener

             - Don't use too much text, use as much imagery as possible 

             - Interactive with viewer/ listener

             - Relevant and relatable 

             - Critique own work professionally and think of the next steps 

             - Research companies and put your work online 

             - Quality over quantity 

             - Connecting to client - " I've sent you my work in the summer, I've now done this ... (showreel) 


Q&A- Why don't you hire applicants? - 


- Showreel not relevant for job title and requirements

- Research the basics and quality the company is looking for in the work 


- Show you're passionate by doing more such as competitions on working on a live client brief 

- Showreels and CV's are both important during an interview and application - cover letters, collaborations, work experience 

- Customise showreel - 30 seconds, name , title , subheading , date 

- Storyboard - shots - sequences 

- Piers Clifton  - Part 1 13/1/21​

Producer, Animation writer , Director , Script development 

VFX or Art Department : Prince of Persia , Clash of the Titans , Captain America and Dark Shadows

- Tips - 

- IMDB - Internet Movie Data Base ( upload yourself - credit your work)


- Keep script short and sweet 


- Pitching - be passionate , don't make it too long - include the audience 


- Squash and stretch 


- "Cultural test " - think about the tax in the country you are working in, so                             it's cheaper 


- Workflow - showreel


Sketch, storyboard, concept, animatic, finalised, final , reference - same        time as animation 


- Text at the bottom of page - showreel


- Establishing shots , animatic , environment , finalised 


- Try multiple camera angles for a shot 


- Project tracking - Shotgun - site


- Think about how big the project is and how much the budget is 


- Dailies and weeklies to get feedback from Directors


Teasers and showcase - 


- Shot numbered : ...._v01


- Showcase - Personality - environment - situation 


- Script writing - final_draft_v01


- Short synopsis - loglines ( description of what film is about - 25 words / 2 sentences )- beetsheet ( story / event / emotional / decisions / character arcs , story , message , plots)

- Artists - 

- Adam Brockband - Concept art 2D / 3D , Digital map painting

- Pipeline - concepts 


- Softwares- 


- Vfx Nuke

- Maya

- Premiere - editing

- Adobe animate 

- Flash

- Harmony 

- Toonboom 


- Film structure - 


- " I want " - character motives / story arcs 

                - Story changes , character learns new life lessons 


- " Ruler of the world" - Restrictions to reality / fantasy  / theme - don't                                           confuse the audience / lose the purpose of the story


- Foreshadowing- setting seeds of development right at the beginning of the                           story ( surprise)



Screenshot (26).png
- Beat sheet challenge: Reversal (Beginning, middle , end)

- 6/7 beat story ( short sequence ) images (write), rough animatic - pitch next meeting 26/1/21( 2 weeks)


- Piers Clifton  - Part 2 26/1/21​

Producer, Animation writer , Director , Script development 

VFX or Art Department : Prince of Persia , Clash of the Titans , Captain America and Dark Shadows


 Beats Challenge : upload to Padlet file 

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Project - Drawing
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